Back at YWAM Maui!

Thought I'd do an update so everyone will know what I've been up to this past month.  After returning to Georgia for a few weeks of meeting with supporters and relaxing at Salem Campmeeting, I headed down to Disney World with my family for a week of fun and spending time with my nephew, Myers.  We had a great time golfing, swimming at the pool and going to the parks.  Until then I really had not spent a lot of quality time with my family, so it was definitely good to get away and hang out with the family.

With Lori Williams at Campmeeting.

Me and Myers, spending some quality time together.

With the old Berry College crew in Atlanta.

After another few days in Conyers, I headed out to Colorado to go to my friends Josh and Ashley's wedding.  I had a wonderful few days of reconnecting with old YWAM friends at the wedding, doing a bit of rock climbing in the mountains and watching amazing sunrises over the Rocky Mountains.
The wedding party, plus about 15 extras.

My other big news is that I've moved!  After living on the YWAM property for a year (with five other guys in a garage no less), I realized it was time for me to get my own place.  A cheap opportunity to live with some of my friends in Paia (pronounced pie-ee-uh), opened up and with the help of some new and old supporters, I was able to move in as soon as I got back to Maui.  It's such a blessing to have my own room to sleep in at night, and actually have enough storage to put all my junk!  Thank you to all my supporters for helping make this happen! 

 The outside of my new house, complete with my roommates dirt bikes.

My new room (the bunk bed is for any friends that come to visit!)

Our backyard.

The living room.

And finally, our kitchen.

After what seems like forever being away from YWAM Maui, I'm back, rested and ready to jump right back into my work.  I'm still the Director of Communications, and this Fall I'll be working on fundraising for our project in Asia, as well as helping our staff and students take better care of their personal fundraising needs.  I'm excited because of all the great things that are going on here in Maui as well as at our outreach locations in Asia, and I'm excited to be a part of helping people take care of practical needs so that they can serve God in a larger and more long-term capacity.