Andy Huddleston and the Manny's Marathon

   Last week, Andy Huddleston, a YWAM guy who's been around for over 30 years, came to help us with some stuff around our base.  It was really good to be able to hang out with him, because he's a long time missionary and really knows a lot about big time fund-raising.  Right now he's raising about $400,000 to help a YWAM base in Costa Rica buy some land (it's in Heredia, where CFUMC youth went on a mission trip in the summer of 2005).  Since fund-raising to buy our own property and expand our ministries is what I'm about to dive into here, it was great to get some direction from him.  He gave me a lot of good resources to look into and taught me a lot about things like corporate matching programs and event planning.

Andy, helping pressure wash our sidewalks.  I know that's random, but it's the only picture I took of him!

   Speaking of the work I'm doing here, if any of you have Facebook, YWAM Maui now has a fan page!  I'm trying to put new pictures of our DTS students and staff up every week, and I've also put an RSS feed so that when I update the YWAM Maui website, it also updates our Facebook page.  If you want to know more about what's going on during our DTS schools, this is a great way to find out!   

   Some of y'all may be wondering what the "Manny's Marathon" in the title of this post is.  Well, for the month of October, a bunch of us guys have decided to grow beards all month (we've dubbed it Overgrown October), then on November 1, we're having a little race from our Haiku base to Manny's, a house that we still have in Paia.  We're going to shave our beards into mustaches on the last day of October and dress up in 70's running gear for the race.  It's not exactly a marathon, more like 7 miles, but it's been a good bonding thing for the staff and students to train together.  I'll let you know how it goes in a few weeks, but I have the feeling I'm definitely NOT going to win.


I'm looking a little "overgrown" this month.  Scary isn't it?

So everything is really good here, as I hope it is for you, wherever you are.  Much love to all of you and God bless!


  1. kristin.mccown said...:

    You will have to take a picture of your mustache and 70's running gear and put it on your Viva la Mustache group.